Locked out of Word Press

I consider myself very new to online blogging and with that comes some growing pains. One of my more recent issues was locking myself out of my Word Press (WP) site after trying to change my primary domain name. I made the mistake of logging into the WP-admin, going to settings and changing the domain [...]

Utah veterinarian Oncologist

You are the voice for your pet and are the only one who can advocate for quality health care.  I would like to extend my deepest sympathies if you have found this page in need of an oncologist for you beloved furry family member. This is a reference list I created to help me determine [...]

Arlo Pro 2 Power Cords and Options

If you recently purchased a Netgear Arlo Pro 2 smart home security camera system excited about using the new added features like the CVR then you are in sore luck. I was excited to see that Costco had a 5 camera arlo pro 2 package sale for $830.00 NO TAX, NO SHIPPING FEE!!! It also [...]

My DIY Vehicle Mounted IFAK

So after the hours of pouring over the available pre-assembled IFAK and IFATK (Individual first aid & trauma kit) and their contents I decided to custom make my own pack with materials I would feel comfortable and safe practicing with in the eventuality that I need to use them in a real incident. The ultimate [...]

Sinus Inudced Pulsatile Tinnitus

For years I have suffered from seasonal allergies and frequent sinus issues. I often times get pulsatile tinnitus aka pulsing inner ear that coincides with whichever nostril is congested due to the fluid blockage in the inner ear. During a cold, flu, or seasonal allergies the mucous membranes lining your sinuses become inflamed and swell. Ultimately this [...]