Toilet cleaning tabs

WARNING citric acid is highly corrosive to metals, plastics, rubber and chrome finishings typically found in toilet tanks. Please try and avoid using these DIY toilet tabs in the water holding tanks as it will eat away at the rubber seals and plastic components. Never use a pumice stone again No scrubbing, no pumice stone [...]

Personal Privy wash

Use either a spray bottle or foam pump bottle I was lucky and found the foam pump bottle at a local kitchen supply store that also had an essential oil section with empty bottle supplies. This can be used as bum wash as well as feminine hygiene cleaner by simply adding to toilet paper. Ingredients [...]

DIY Cloth TP

I made this reusable cloth TP roll for my own personal use to be used with a bidet and only after peeing. I do not recommend using cloth TP for cleaning or drying after defecting aka going #2, as this is a high transmission route for diseases and urinary tract infections for women and young [...]

96 Land Cruiser Seat Organizers

9/2023- I made another set of these for our new Rav4 Prime UPDATE 5/27/19: We just got back from the 2019 Overland EXPO 10 year anniversary and testing out the seat organizers and other various upgrades recently made. By far I loved having the organizers and additional attic space. It greatly reduced the amount of [...]