Wood & Bamboo Food Grade Conditioner

This conditioner is great to use on bamboo or wooden kitchen utensils, cutting boards, and butcher blocks. I made this for less than $6.00 for 20oz. To rehydrate dry wooden utensils and cutting boards be sure and season/coat with 3-5 coats of mineral oil before using the wood conditioner for the first time. Leave the [...]

Bathtub Cleaning Miracle Bar

So I found this DIY post about making a cleaning bar specifically for the bathtub! Best of all it claimed to be this amazing revolutionary grease and soap scum fighter! So I went in to try and make it and test out this claim. Soap Scum Bar Tutorial 1/4 cup baking soda 1/4 cup laundry [...]

Toilet cleaning tabs

WARNING citric acid is highly corrosive to metals, plastics, rubber and chrome finishings typically found in toilet tanks. Please try and avoid using these DIY toilet tabs in the water holding tanks as it will eat away at the rubber seals and plastic components. Never use a pumice stone again No scrubbing, no pumice stone [...]