Defunked Apple Products

Update: 2/19/18 Apple is back at it again!!! I have lost function of many apps on my iphone and noticed decreased performance. Apple Slowing Down Older Phones My Iphone 5s is running IOS 8.4 software and until recently when Apple finally announced that they were slowing down older phones I experienced routine buggy and slow [...]

Chirping Ecobee 4 Issue Solved!!

A few days ago my Ecobee 4 smart thermostat started to randomly chirp regardless of the fact that it would be dead silent in the house. So after numerous internet searches and calling Ecobee support twice and running into dead ends I finally found the root of the problem. The problem originated with the fact [...]

Re Usable Air Fresheners

I am looking for sustainable ways of keeping air fresheners in the house and car.  Here are some of my absolute favorite DIY solutions and they worked so well that I am not ashamed to make these for other people for the holidays. Table top Supplies Air Freshener: 2oz water beads (color of choice) Elegant [...]

Snowboarding Clothes for Women 101

I have been snowboarding for five or more years now and was lucky that someone could teach me the ropes when I first started so that I didn’t waste my time, energy, and money on useless stuff. So lets begin!! When you first start out snowboarding everything is going to seem expensive but its better [...]

How I Combat the Cold and Flu!

I am sorry to tell you that there is no magical formula or medication to make you all better in 24 hours.. unless you are using theraflu to speed up your flu. Here are simple and affordable remedies I have learned over time in combination of life experience and my nursing education. I have been beaten [...]