Homemade Freeze Dried Cat Food-10lb

10lbs bone in chicken thighs + 2lbs crude protein ( wild caught Alaskan salmon, wild caught Cod, rabbit, Turkey). 2lbs of added crude protein is needed to replace the 2lbs of bones and skin that is removed.
Bake chicken thighs @350 for 15-20min remove 30%- 50% bones and 50%-70% skin (see original recipe)
Bake chicken livers (20 min) all the way through stirring halfway through.
Run chicken and meat through meat grinder doing a double pass. This means to run meat and bones through both sized plates starting with largest size.
Separate egg yolks from egg whites and mix before adding to ground meat.
Mix vitamins in a separate bowel before adding to ground meat I like to add the fish oil directly to the bowl after adding the vitamins and water.
I have both of these recipes listed below for reference so I that know what my minimum and maximum amounts are when adding and mixing the vitamins.
- Taurine 7,500mg 2tsp of 1,000mg
- 1/4tsp x 4= 1tsp
- (3tsp/1Tbsp).
- 8,000mg
- 1,000mg per 1/4tsp = 4,000mg per 1 tsp.
- 2tsp of 1,000mg = 8,000mg
- 1/4tsp x 4= 1tsp
- Chicken Liver 13.3oz
- Water 26.66oz
- When FReeze Drying I use 17.8oz
- Raw egg yolks 7
- Fish Oil 7,000mg – 16,600mg = 8 capsules
- vitamin E 1,333 IU/ 1,193mg (268mg/capsule = 4.45 capsules)
- Vitamin B-50 complex 1.5 capsules or 75mg
- Lite iodized salt 3.3tsp
- Taurine 4,444mg
- Chicken heart 31.1oz sub Taurine 4,000mg per 14oz
- 8,000mg – 12,444mg taurine
- Chicken Liver 15.6 oz
- Water 17.8oz
- Raw egg yolks 9
- Fish oil 8889 mg / 1,200mg = 7 capsules
- Vitamin E 444 IU = 1.65 capsules
- Vitamin B 444mg = 9 capsules
- Lite iodized salt 3.3teaspoons
10mg manganese 1/2 tab per 3lbs = 1.5 tabs for 10lbs
Closing in on a year of making this recipe and over 160lbs of food. Here are the changes I look forward to making as I am getting close to re ordering vitamin supplements.
- ** Dry Vitamin E is not easily water soluble and is very sticky when wet and sticks to bowls (stainless steel, silicone, & glass). Upgrade and use water soluble if available.
- ** vitamin B complex tablets are not easily water soluble and will remain in solid form when mixing with water at any temp. Buy water soluble if available.

Vitamin Deficiencies; found in most online cat food recipes
- Crude protein,
- choline, – Dried Egg Yolks
- iron, –chicken, Turkey, sardines, salmon, and anchovies are usually free of mercury
- thiamine – organs
- zinc – vit B complex
- manganese,
- vitamin E,
- and copper – liver