FZJ80 Land Cruiser Interior Storage

So one of the first things that Eric did when he bought the LC, long before we upgraded to the RTT, was to build a shelf/sleeping platform. It isn’t as fancy and polished as the refined single built drawer systems but I wouldn’t trade it for one of those anyway. I absolutely love my removable bins that fit perfectly underneath the platform and hold our cooking gear, toiletries, and other misc tools. I love the bins versatility and ease of removing and storing between trips. You can also see that we had quit a bit of untouched head room that seemed to be an awkward space until adding a shelf.
He also built screens for the back windows so the windows could be open while sleeping inside that We have since semi destroyed in an effort to open and close the windows.
One thing I highly recommend if you are sleeping in the SUV is to make screen covers by using magnets for the framing so that they can attach and detach easily from the vehicle.
Land Cruiser attic/interior roof storage
- 1″ hose clamps
- Or upgrade for a finished look to Delta FJ/FZJ80 CEILING STORAGE BRACKET
- $54.00
- For the hose clamps I used rubber (I cut an old bike tire inner tube) to place underneath the hose clamps.
- shelf (container store 18x 24)
This modification was very quick and easy and made a dramatic improvement to our camping experience. There is no obstruction through the rear view window. Tested on week long back country camping trip through white rim trail.
Normally when camping our back seats are full of bins or bags of food. With the addition of the interior roof storage shelf our back seats were nearly empty and actually had extra storage space. I used a hanging storage bag from my sportsmans warehouse camp kitchen to hook onto the above shelf and store all of our food in place. That bag of food didn’t move or go anywhere or cause any problems our entire camping trip. all of the little miscellaneous things like my hiking poles, hammock, extra blanket. etc.. used to be stored under the bench but is now stored in the overhead shelf and made for quick and easy access to everything above and below.

Interior Roof Storage Options
Now that I have a sewing machine I have set my sights on making a mesh net roof cargo attic and seat organizers.
Below are o es you can purchase.
The first netting that is available in the US for $99 and sold by Blue Ridge is designed for light weight coats and gear. Which always seem to be in our way and taking up precious cargo space.
The next netting system is from the UK
BLUNT FORCE PRODUCTS from ROCK N ROAD 4X4 LTD. info@rocknroad4x4.com www.rocknroad4x4.com
DIY options
Thanks to the ih8mud forums
This was contributed by Medtro.
Use Grid Panel $13 2×4 and attachment method of choice (Shown below)
- Remove 3rd row seat grab handles if you have them.
- Install mounting brackets (piece of angled steel).
- Slide the chrome gridwall onto the mounting brackets, starting from the front of the vehicle (2nd row seat) at about 45 degrees.
- Install mounting hardware and tighten nuts.
Contributed by livinoffroad
Another option is a further expansion on the above system with the addition of a small removable side wall.
Another option is to use a 48″ x 18″ shelf turned upside down attached to the grab bars using hose clamps or zip ties.
Luckily I have one of these laying around! Or you can find it at The container store for $19.99
You can also get the Inter metro shelving for $20.99 as pictured below.
Attachment Methods
60 degree brackets, Steel L brackets, U bolts, hose clamps to add to the existing grab bar, or zip ties.
land cruiser attic welded bracket
Custom fabricated mount.
I love the shelf and it has made a significant Improvement and has continued to hold up well. The one caveat is that the shelf isn’t equipped to hold heavy items such as a large tool box that Eric insists on placing up there just for it to bounce right back out, because he doesnt seem to undersfand weight distribution. So I do not recommend placing heavy items in the shelf and to cargo net your items down.