Deluxe Camp Shower/Bathroom

More public lands have to close down every year due to human contamination. These public lands often used for dispersement camping aka camping outside of established camp grounds become disgustingly contaminated with human bodily waste and garbage.

I will share how we minimize our footprint when camping. But still maintain some sense of comfort such as showering.

Heated Shower

The Mr . Heater base camp shower and sink has drastically dropped in price from when I purchased mine. The showers can be found for $150.00 or less and I paid over $300.00 from sportsman’s warehouse when I purchased mine. The only issues I have had with this unit were #1. It sprung an internal leak within the first year of owning it but the company warrantied the issue. #2. I had to replace the battery in the second unit I received. #3. On the most recent camping trip a fuse blew in the shower and I was caught un prepared so we couldn’t use the shower the entire trip. Otherwise I highly recommend having this unit.

The shower pan is nothing more than a hot water heater drip pan lined with anti slip bath tub decals. When my pop up shower is packed and bagged it nests into the drip pan. The shower pan is essential for eliminating our chemical foot print when camping. Not even the so called bio degradable soaps are actually safe to allow straight onto the ground and can contaminate the camp sites.

Additionally the shower pan helps keep our feet clean and the teak mini mat is a great place to stand when drying off. The water pump is a great way to transfer water from the drip pan to either a grey water catch bucket or the road. A service ranger told us that no grey water should ever be left behind but if it has to and no hole can be dug, don’t dig a hole near bodies of water or in national/state parks). The only option left is o drain it to the road.

I also use a 5 gallon bucket with a toilet seat and lid. This becomes extremely useful to sit on when needing to wash your feet. We love wearing out chacos and flip flops but our feet get extremely dirty and need to be washed before heading to bed.

Pop up Privy

The privacy pop up room has been amazing and has sustained holes from wear and tear. However this is an essential key camping component. It’s worth noting that I do like having the exterior towel holder and pay attention to the headroom or height of a privy room when buying online. I don’t use the tarp floor because it still gets dirty and mud inside so it became more work and a hassle than it was useful. Since leaving the PNW we don’t use the rain cover anymore.

The sea to summit outhouse toilet paper dry bag is extremely helpful at keeping the toilet paper dry when taking a shower.

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